Katie Szilagyi

Katie, with apologies to Walt Whitman, contradicts herself; after all, she contains multitudes. A former engineer, erstwhile public servant, and self-declared parliamentary junkie, Katie went to law school in pursuit of the mythical liberal arts education. She overcame her initial panic that she could not survive legal education (rooted in a mistaken belief that everyone else had read Kafka) and, thanks to Ian, entered into a magnificent period of mentorship, learning, and self-discovery. Working for Ian allowed Katie to harness her deep desire to read the entire Internet into something productive; it provided her opportunities to read about everything under the sun and—in her humble view—the best liberal arts education one could ever ask for, honing her critical thinking, legal research, and writing skills.

Katie credits many of her academic and professional achievements to her epic alternative education gleaned as a member of Kerr Nation, including her successes at international moot court competitions, her clerkship at the Federal Court of Appeal, and her work experiences at two of Toronto's leading law firms. Today, she is an LLM student at Tel Aviv University, pursuing a concentration in law and technology. Katie doesn't know where she would be today without Ian's support and encouragement, but she definitely wouldn't be living on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, learning cutting edge legal theories against the backdrop of the most unimaginably spectacular sunsets. Amor fati.